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24Jun 24
Business Owners Fear Risk

Business Owners Fear Risk: The Fear Factor

Risk is an ever-present companion. unfortunately, it is clear that business owners fear risk. In business it never leaves your side. Despite its inherent connection to the business landscape, many business owners find themselves gripped by a fear of risk. This fear can be paralysing, stifling innovation, growth, and the…

11Jun 24

Guide to Market Assessment for Business Success

In the dynamic world of business, understanding your marketplace is paramount for making informed decisions, seizing opportunities, and maintaining a competitive edge. Whether you're embarking on a new venture, expanding into new markets, or refining your existing strategy, a thorough assessment of your marketplace provides invaluable insights into customer needs,…

30May 24

Do small and medium firms utilise strategy planning tool products ?

Small to medium-sized firms often purchase strategy planning tools and products to help them effectively develop, implement, and manage their strategic initiatives. While larger enterprises may have dedicated strategy departments or resources, smaller firms can benefit equally from using these tools to; 1. Facilitate Planning Process. Strategy planning tools provide…

12May 24
Growthsprint Business Planning

The Power of Planning: Why Business Planning is Essential for Small Businesses

In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, small businesses often find themselves juggling multiple priorities, from managing day-to-day operations to chasing new opportunities for growth. In the midst of this hustle and bustle, the importance of strategic business planning can sometimes be overlooked. However, the truth is that having a well-thought-out…

10May 24
Growthsprint Amazon

Introducing Our Book GrowthSprint on Amazon

You can now get hold of our book GrowthSprint On Amazon available on Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover. 'Growth Sprint: : A New Approach to Agile Business Planning' #Amazon  GrowthSprint. Agile Business Strategy Innovation Toolkit. Designed and developed with over 30 years of business development, investment and consultancy this toolkit transforms…

06May 24

Managing Risks in Small Businesses and Startups

Let's look at Managing Risks in Small Businesses. Starting and running a small business or startup is an exhilarating journey filled with opportunities, challenges, and, yes, risks. From financial uncertainties to market fluctuations and everything in between, navigating the risky waters of entrepreneurship requires a keen understanding of the potential…

30Apr 24

Why Understanding Customers is Essential in a Startup Environment

In the world of startups, success is often measured by innovation, disruption, and rapid growth. However, amidst the excitement of bringing a new idea to market, one fundamental principle often takes centre stage: understanding your customers. In the startup environment, where resources are limited and risks are high, the importance…

29Apr 24
GrowthSprint Canvas

What Makes the GrowthSprint Canvas Unique?

The GrowthSprint Canvas stands out due to several distinctive features that differentiate it from other strategic planning tools: 1. Comprehensive Framework - It covers all critical aspects of business growth, from market analysis to customer relationships, ensuring no element is overlooked. 2. Action-Oriented Approach - Focuses on setting actionable objectives…

24Apr 24
Business Strategy

How are strategic objectives different from regular business goals?

Strategic objectives and regular business goals are both essential components of a company's planning and operational framework, but they serve different purposes and operate at different levels of specificity and time frames. Here's how they differ: Strategic Objectives 1. Long-term Focus: Strategic objectives are typically long-term in nature, focusing on…

24Apr 24
Single Strategic Objective

What is a Single Strategic Objective and Why It Matters

In business strategy, clarity and focus are paramount. Companies often juggle multiple goals, but honing in on a single strategic objective (SSO) can be a game-changer. This focused approach can drive significant progress and align efforts across the organisation. But what exactly is a single strategic objective, and why is…

17Apr 24
Conquering Growth Challenges With XPinnovates:

What is GrowthSprint? Discover Our Innovative Framework for Accelerated Growth

The GrowthSprint innovation framework as a powerful, yet practical tool for developing and implementing effective growth strategies across various business scenarios. Introduction and Overview GrowthSprint is an innovation framework designed to help build effective business strategies It’s a comprehensive book with training materials The framework involves using a unique 11-section…

04Apr 24
Challenges Of Business Growth

The Origin of the Phrase ‘Growth Strategy’: A Historical Perspective

The phrase "growth strategy" combines two fundamental business concepts: "growth" and "strategy." Here’s a breakdown of the origins and development of this term: 1. Growth The concept of growth in a business context refers to the process of expanding a company's market presence, increasing revenue, scaling operations, and enhancing profitability.…

07Mar 24

Be prepared: Competitive analysis is important in business

Competitive analysis is a critical component of strategic planning in business, offering several key benefits that help organizations navigate their market landscape effectively. In understanding your Market it is key to form an up to date competitive analysis: Understanding Market Dynamics Competitive analysis helps businesses understand the broader market dynamics,…

04Mar 24
Growth Sprint

Who purchases licensed business strategy growth consultancy frameworks?

As a licensed training program GrowthSprint offers a comprehensive suite of resources, tools, and support to empower you on your journey to becoming a top-tier consultant. There are numerous benefits that GrowthSprint brings to business consultants and why it’s the premier choice for those seeking to unlock their full potential in…

24Feb 24
Growthsprint Consultant

The Power of Involving an External Expert in Developing Your Business Strategy

In your ever-evolving business landscape, having a robust and well-thought-out strategy is crucial for long-term success. While internal teams often possess deep knowledge of the company's operations, involving an external strategy expert can provide fresh perspectives and specialised expertise that drive transformative results. In this blog post, we explore the…

10Oct 23
Startup Sales

Business Planning Needs an Agile Approach

Planning has held a foundational role in management for years. Back in the early twentieth century conventional thinking  outlined the key functions of managers as planning, organising, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Throughout the century, the capacity and willingness of managers to plan evolved significantly. Large corporations established specialised units for…

01Aug 23

Unveiling The Secret To A Thriving Ecommerce Business

Introduction Ecommerce has become an integral part of modern life, with countless online stores offering a wide range of products and services. Over the past few years, this rapidly growing industry has witnessed significant advancements and new trends shaping its future. As a result, businesses must continuously adapt and evolve…

25Jul 23
Xpinnovates Export Planning

Breaking Borders: Strategies for International Business Growth

In today's global economy, businesses must be prepared to scale beyond their own borders in order to maintain a competitive edge. Breaking into international markets can open up a world of new customers, opportunities, and revenue streams, but there are many challenges to navigate. We explore the secrets to successfully…

01Jun 23

Angel Investment Northern Cyprus

A big thank you to our hosts last week in Cyprus - NI-CO and  AB İnovatif Girişimcilik / EU Innovative Entrepreneurship, who we are assisting in developing the entrepreneurship ecosystem and improving the innovation culture in the Turkish Cypriot community. We explored the opportunities for a private angel investment network…

11Apr 23

The Power of Planning: Why a Solid Business Plan is Key to Success

Organisations need a business plan for several reasons: Clarify goals and objectives: Planning helps businesses clarify their goals and objectives. By defining what they want to achieve, businesses can focus their resources and efforts towards achieving those goals. Identify potential challenges: Planning helps businesses identify potential challenges and risks that…

01Mar 23

6 Strategies to overcome risks in business growth

Six approaches to deal with risks in business growth For business owners who are feeling tired of inconsistent growth… You're not alone. Every entrepreneur faces challenges on their path to success, and while you can do very little about the external drivers of business growth, there are plenty of levers…

08Mar 22

Start-up Sales: Understanding Your Buyer’s Mode

When selling complex solutions to organisations it is imperative to understand your buyer's mode. Not all potential buyers are in the same ‘mode’. All buyers are not in the same position or share the same outlook.  As a sales professional, you are likely to be trained to positive and sell…

04Jan 22

Maximizing Growth: 4 Proven Strategies for Business Success

A growth strategy is a plan to increase a business’s size and value. It defines how you will win a race against your competition and identifies the most efficient way of reaching your strategic objectives. What’s more, it will apply to many areas in your business, from sales to finance,…

18Aug 21

Boost Your Online Business: Strategies for Accelerated Growth

Since 2007 we have built up a mass of experience, stories and friendships. The  companies we have mentored and developed have gone on to export goods and services across the globe, from digital tools to life sciences, to fintech to agritech. Most of the businesses were started from a simple…

19Jul 21
Startup Sales

Start-up Sales: Understanding Different Buyer Roles

There are broadly five ‘roles’ people play in the buying process. In start-up sales, you need to understand the different buyer roles. The roles defined here are not necessarily part of their job title, rather it’s the role they play in the potential purchase of your solution. It is imperative…

04May 21

Start-up Sales: Set A Single Sales Objective

Your purpose as a start-up sales executive, client acquisition manager, or even as the CEO is to acquire new clients. Your role is to sell your services to organisations in your target market. In start-up sales, you need to set single sales objectives. Too often we engage with a prospect,…

29Apr 21
The Startup Way Eric Ries

When to apply Design Thinking and/or Lean Startup

Design Thinking and Lean Startup are part of the innovation portfolio. These methodologies are being used by corporates as well as startups to structure and de-risk their innovation activities. Inspired by success stories such as Uber and Airbnb companies are increasingly looking to Design Thinking and Lean Startup for answers. To…

05Dec 20
Challenges Of Business Growth

Navigating Growth: The Scaleup Challenge for Startups

Starting a business is easy, but getting a venture to a state where it can trade successfully, on a profitable sustainable basis is difficult. Even after taking in rounds of investment, haveing a venture you can IPO or sell, the toughest task for anyone.  For the leadership team to take…

24Nov 20

5 Ways Selling Makes The Difference To Scaling Up

We’ve long understood the concept of ‘crossing the chasm’. The task of established start-ups who have found the repeatable business model, but can’t get to that next step – the step of scaling up. Great products, cool brand, nice looking website. You’ve even got customers, an office, some staff, a…

10Jun 20
Value Proposition

Connecting Start-ups With Corporate Innovation

Over the past few years, there has been a shift in the way mainstream companies regard innovation. Innovation within regular companies is endless meetings, financial approval, and various different stakeholders. All, of course, slow down innovation. When these companies look at startups, they see small teams creating a mass of…

06Apr 19
Business Planning

Sales Management – Funnel versus Pipeline

Sales management of your opportunities requires different attention and investment by you, dependent on where you deem them to be in the sales funnel. The incorrect sales approach - at the wrong time - will damage your chances of moving your prospect down the funnel to from initially being a…

04Jun 18
Business Innovation

Finding Product Market Fit In Business Innovation

Finding a product/market fit is the most important task a new business idea has.  Forget branding, marketing, selling, or getting press coverage - that means you are simply spending money and time you cant afford to.  A central part of our startup innovation bootcamp and our business modelling approach is idea…

30May 18
Idea Generation

16 Idea Generation Techniques

Ideas are things that come and go too often. Without a framework to capture and develop ideas in your business you are possibly losing out on potential new products or new ways of operating. The really great ideas usually spring unexpectedly in moments of inspiration. It becomes easier to come…

30May 18
Successful Ideation

The Three Stages of Successful Ideation

Ideation is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas, where an idea is understood as a basic element of thought that can be either visual, concrete, or abstract.  Ideation comprises all stages of a thought cycle, from innovation to development, to actualisation.  Ideation can be conducted by…

28May 18
4th Industrial Revolution

Managing Innovation In The 4th Industrial Revolution

We are all hearing about the fourth Industrial Revolution, but what exactly is it? If you are a startup or managing business innovation should we care? It's definitely a topic that has been talked about over the past few years but gained even more prominence The first Industrial Revolution was characterised…

26Apr 18

6 Things Big Business Can Learn From Startups

What’s the key advantage that start-ups consistently hold over big businesses when it comes to innovation? We take a look at 6 ways startups innovate, and see what they can teach big companies.  1. Agility. Start-ups have to be agile to survive. Since they aren’t sure what will work in…

24Apr 18
Startup Accelerator

Coworking Space vs. Startup Incubator vs. Accelerator

Incubator, accelerator, and co-working space are three common terms in the startup world. However, if like me you have ever felt you don’t really understand the difference between them, then we are not alone. The difference is not always as clear. Because of this confusion around definitions, it can be challenging…

24Apr 18

Do Startup Accelerators Really Work?

At the very early stage of entrepreneurship there is a real gap between the first time entrepreneur, who lacks the experience to steer their business in what will be choppy waters – and the usually inexperienced friends and family who offer 90% of the initial funds to get ventures off the…

17Apr 18
Corporate Accelerator

Corporate Innovation Doesn’t Work!

When large firms attempt to move quickly it doesn't always work and they run into problems. A large number of companies are slowly dying, as parts of businesses are being attacked by other companies and in particular startups. The decline of large corporations has increased in the last decade, perhaps not…

24Mar 18
Grant Funding

8 Tips For Startups to Secure Grant Funding

There has never been more avenues to secure grant funding from regional and national state bodies. Yet they are not simple to get.  Your startup business might be entitled to apply for a grant if it carries out eligible projects or operates in a particular area (for example R&D funding, market…

17Mar 18
Design Thinking Chart

Design Thinking for Corporate Innovation

Eight out of ten entrepreneurs who start businesses fail within the first 18 months, accounting for an incredible 80% failure rate. But why is this the case? Why do startups fail at such a high rate? The number one reason why startups fail, which accounts for 42% of failures, is…

24Feb 18
Motivational Quotes

21 Motivational Quotes

We all need some inspiration in order to improve ourselves and there is no better alternative than the motivational quotes to inspire our corporate innovation projects. 1. Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. - Steve Jobs 2. “Whether you think you…

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