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What is GrowthSprint? Discover Our Innovative Framework for Accelerated Growth

The GrowthSprint innovation framework as a powerful, yet practical tool for developing and implementing effective growth strategies across various business scenarios.

Introduction and Overview

  • GrowthSprint is an innovation framework designed to help build effective business strategies
  • It’s a comprehensive book with training materials
  • The framework involves using a unique 11-section canvas tool to design actionable business plans
  • The canvas can be used online or printed, making it versatile
  • The framework as an emphasis on defining a clear single strategic objective to maintain focus on a clear growth plan

Background on GrowthSprint

  • Created by the consultancy firm XPinnovates, drawing on decades of experience of working with startups, scaling firms and family businesses.
  • It provides an intelligent, streamlined tool for innovation
  • Adapts principles of the lean startup methodology but for broader application
  • Stresses collaboration, analysing current state, risk assessment, and practical action plans
  • The core is defining a single strategic objective (SSO) to drive outcomes
  • Designed to drive sustainable growth and business success

GrowthSprint is a formulated training and consultancy programme.  Our proven methodology assists you to collaborate, develop and execute strategic growth plans. 

The GrowthSprint Canvas – Right Side

  • The right side covers external factors – market, customers, value proposition
  • Nailing the value proposition right is critical for differentiation
  • Deep understanding of customers and their needs is essential
  • Comprehensive analysis of the market landscape, trends, competition is required

 The GrowthSprint Canvas – Left Side

  • The left side focuses on internal factors under the business’ control
  • Key areas included are finance, people, products/services, sales/marketing, digital
  • This side covers analysis, defining actions required, and risk assessment
  • The digital segment is crucial for technology integration across the business

Benefits of Using a Strategy Framework

  • Provides clarity, consistency, and alignment for strategic planning
  • Encourages comprehensive analysis of internal and external factors
  • Enhances decision-making by prioritizing against strategic goals
  • Allows for flexibility and adaptability as conditions change
  • Enables measurement of outcomes against defined targets/KPIs

The GrowthSprint Approach

  • Emphasis on dedicating focused effort over 30, 60 or 90 day periods
  • Sprints involve activities like market research, experiments, data analysis
  • An agile, iterative process – set goals, test, review, optimize, scale
  • Designed to be a collaborative approach across teams/departments
  • Can be applied for various purposes – new products, entering new markets

Implementation and Using the Canvas

  • Flexible where to start on canvas based on priorities
  • Guidelines for analysing each section comprehensively
  • Capturing analysis, defining concrete actions, assessing risks
  • Developing an integrated action plan from the canvas outputs
  • Option for training to become an accredited GrowthSprint practitioner

Key Benefits and Application

  • GrowthSprint is a comprehensive strategic growth framework
  • Valuable for startups, SMEs, scaling businesses, consultants, educators
  • Provides structure but also flexibility and agility
  • Facilitates strategy activation through action plans and measurement
  • You can now purchase our book on Amazon. Growth Sprint: : A Fundamental New Approach to Agile Business Planning: Diane M Roberts

Our agile business planning tool GrowthSprint enables teams to collaborate, create and plan.

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