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One-time school teacher Franz Schlindwein taught at secondary level for more than 25 years before turning his passion for teaching maths into a career in business. His Izak9 interactive learning tool aims to inject fun into learning mathematics.

Izak9 is a unique, radical, and innovative maths resource from Qubizm, a company with more than 25 years of experience. It is an immersive, multi-media rich, active learning device designed for use by children in Primary and Post Primary schools.

He observed that the removal of the play element for pupils as they progress through primary school leaves so many children bored with maths. After five years of research and development to produce something that could really engage pupils with maths. Leaving his teaching post to launch his product.

Even now, as our company enters the growth phase, I will occasionally lift the phone for a piece from the XPinnovates team and they deliver, every time!

 Franz got the attention of educational researchers and in 2017 published findings from Queen’s University, Belfast and Trinity College, Dublin. This gave a resounding thumbs up to the impact that IZAK9 had on children learning mathematics.

If you are an educator or a parent whose kid is struggling with maths – check out IZAK9.

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