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Paul Hamill has worked in the music industry for over 20 years, as DJ, record producer, broadcaster, record label owner. Importantly he is one of businesses highly regarded tastemakers – an individual who labels ask their opinion on the latest recordings. The music business is hyper competitive, with around 30,000 new releases every week across the globe. The traditional was to send over a CD by post to someone like Paul, then more recently by email with an attached file. You can see the problems that that created.

The team at XPinnovates were instrumental in helping us get our idea off the ground and turning it into a viable business.

The firm had an idea,  a mobile app allowing tastemakers to preview promos sent by record labels while on the go. The Inflyte platform connects record labels with music industry tastemakers. We make it easier for labels to get their music into the hands of a Fatboy Slim or Annie Mac. To get their music played on the radio, in the clubs, or reviewed in the press.

 Inflyte provides services for over 3,000 independent and major record labels in over 100 countries worldwide

If you are label owner, a producer, recording artist or promoter get over to Inflyte.

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