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Looking for the right business model? Too often we look at our existing product portfolio and try to replicate or enhance our current offerings.

It’s never enough. Finding new models to do business with is a critical part of growing your business. With our expertise, we assist our clients to explore what is possible, and importantly what is needed. From developing a central value proposition we utilise the Strategyzer business model canvas and value proposition canvas tools.

We typically start this journey with your customer, building a clear picture of who they are and how do they make purchases?

Business Model : Let 's Get Started

  • What value can you create for your current, and potential new clients?
  • What impacts and relationships will we need internally and externally?
  • Do new business models require new ways of operating?
  • What processes and partners need to innovate?
  • What revenue models work for your business?
Call Us Today

A company looking for a new business model is not about executing a series of knowns. Many firms are facing a series of unknowns—unknown customer segments, unknown customer needs, unknown product feature set, etc

Design Thinking

With 10+ years experience of using Design Thinking – from ideation, to prototyping, to a finished product.

Winning Strategies

Great ideas are never enough. We guide companies to build, test and execute plans that get results.

Lean Startup

Experienced practitioners of this startup development methodology from Eric Ries, we favour evidence-based entrepreneurship.

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